Three Nuggets of Knowledge About Powder Density

Our method of delivering our superfoods to your doorstep may be familiar to you if you have been following the Purium lifestyle for some time. How about we review everything again?

Our whole foods are sourced through our partnerships with farmers and vendors all over the world. To make fresh, nutrient-dense superfood powders, pills, and tablets, we also dehydrate and freeze-dry the ingredients. At long last, we’re ready to send our superfoods to you in our biodegradable Terra Pouches!

Terra Pouches will soon be used by more of our products as we stick to our promise to switch to packaging that is free of plastic.

This is why we’ve included detailed instructions on how to measure out a serving of our superfoods and what the product density is. We got rid of our scoops because we’re determined to eliminate plastic from our products. Make sure you can still measure your product accurately now.

Here are the main three key points:

  • There may be a small variation in volume from batch to batch because our products are packaged based on weight, not volume, in compliance with 21 CFR:111.
  • Instead of being rounded, our serving size recommendations should be level.
  • Whether a product is packed or loose affects its density.

Quantities Per Serving

Need help determining how much of our products to serve? You can always find the serving sizes on the nutrition label of your product. The nutritional panel is accessible by removing the front portion of the label from our Terra Pouches. Just look at the picture down below.

Products that are still packaged in plastic will have their serving size suggestions and nutritional information printed on the reverse side.

The website also has serving sizes. Go ahead and access the product page of the item that piques your interest. Please refer to the Suggested Use section for the relevant information.

Getting the Right Serving Portions

Serving sizes should be measured flat, not rounded, and this is an important fact to remember. Take our Power Shake as an example; it calls for 5.5 tablespoons per serving. To avoid any lumps, use scoops that are as flat as possible to measure out each tablespoon.

Have you ever used a measuring spoon to scoop powder and noticed that a small hill of powder forms on top? If you’re doing an Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation, you should probably not use such large scoops of Power Shake and Super Meal so you don’t run out of product before the 30 days are up.

Product Weight

We use weight, not volume, to measure our product packaging. When perusing our labels, bear this in mind.

Next to the serving size on the nutrition label, you’ll see the weight. Take a look at the Power Shake packaging, for instance: 55 milliliters (or 35.5 grams) of the substance. View the label down below.

For whatever reason, you can easily determine the total weight of the product by multiplying the serving size by the number of servings. For Power Shake, for instance, it would be 35.5 grams times 15 servings.

Product Density

Density may not be your first concern when you receive a product. But you should still give it some thought if you want your superfoods to work for you.

Our products are available in a variety of forms, including capsules, tablets, and powder, as we indicated earlier. Density is a factor in serving size, even though all of these forms are excellent ways to easily consume whole foods and nutrients.

One example is the packed density of products packaged in capsules. It appears that the powder has been compacted into a relatively small space.

On the other hand, powdered products can lose some of their initial density as they sit on the shelf or travel in the delivery truck. You can “fluff” up your product before using it, which is why we have a #PuriumHack for that.

In order to “fluff” up your product, you need to roll or gently massage the bottom portion of your Terra Pouch to bring it from a packed state to a semi-loose state (while keeping the product closed). This will loosen the density. A Power Shake is like a massage: everyone loves it. Just make sure to loosen the density before scooping to extend the product’s shelf life to 30 days.

Is clumped product an issue you’re trying to resolve? For more scientific explanations of clumping and advice on how to deal with it, visit our Product FAQ blog.

Sharing information about our products is a pastime that we really enjoy! For additional information about our farming methods and more, be sure to subscribe to our blog.

Is there anything you’d like a Purium specialist to clarify about our products? Ask Purium know what you need help with.

Products That Qualify

  • Epi-Genius Family
  • Epi-Genius Cats & Dogs
  • Heart Aid
  • Super Xanthin
  • Revive-It-All
  • Renew Hair, Skin & Nails
  • Joint Flex
  • Bee Energetic

Free Product Packs and Eligible Products for 3 & Then Free

Just a friendly reminder: in order to qualify for the 3 & Then Free product for free, you need to purchase a pack of three consecutive months’ worth of products. The product that will be given out is simply the 3 & Then Free deal, not the whole pack.

How It Really Works

It’s improved even more than before! Our brand-new 3 & Then Free program is like a safe deposit box. After three consecutive months of qualifying product orders (with an active Smart Order on file), our system will store your complimentary product in a “vault” and send it to you with your next order!

After the third consecutive month, your next order will automatically include the free product at zero dollars ($0)!

Get your hands on a free product without any hassle or rewards points!

The Method for Establishing Habits

One of our primary objectives here at Purium is to help people develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Developing lifelong healthy habits is the true beauty of the 3 & Then Free program, even more so than earning free products. There are essentially three parts to a habit:

In this stage of the habit loop, known as the cue or trigger, you are prompted to perform an action in response to a specific stimulus. In the context of the 3 & Then Free Program, this could mean anything from feeling constantly fatigued or down to wanting to improve your nutrition as a result of your hunger pangs.

Here, in the “Action” phase of the habit loop, you put your new habit into practice. Consider the following scenario: you’re hungry and instead of reaching for a bag of chips or another unhealthy snack, you reach for a Purium Superfood.

At this point in the habit loop, your brain associates the desired action with a positive outcome, known as the reward. On this page, you will find two rewards for the 3 & Then Free Program. In addition to receiving a free Purium product to aid you on your health journey, you will also get the health benefit of experiencing better energy levels and greater satiety throughout the day. Everyone benefits!

3 & Then Free Frequently Asked Questions

Are these items sold independently? Is it possible that they are in a group?

You can get the 3 & Then Free product for free if you buy a three-month supply in a row that includes it. It is not the bundle, but rather the product that is part of the “3 and then free” promotion.

Are we free to do as we like?

All you need is a Smart Order and three consecutive months of purchasing a 3 & Then Free product. On your next order, you will be given the exact same product.

Is the ability to select specific products still available to us?

If you buy the same 3 & Then product for three months in a row, you will earn that product. In exchange for regular purchases of eligible products, participants in this program will receive a free product in an effort to promote healthy lifestyle choices.

Before something becomes ingrained in your brain and becomes a habit, it takes 100 days for your cells to memorize it.

How will the points we have earned in 3 and Free be handled?

Unless you go six months without doing anything, your Rewards Points will stay in your account.

Is a Smart Order required for the fourth order, where the free one shows up? Or is it a regular, one-time order?

The fourth order has the flexibility to be a Smart Order or a standard order. The free product will not be added to your vault when you place a replacement order.

Does the 3 & then free offer have an expiration date?

There is a 6-month limit on how long the free product can remain in your vault. Product will be removed from vault if order is not placed within six months.

Check out the rest of our blog for more questions about Purium products!

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