Many people, when they start to perspire heavily, reach for a sports energy drink. But have you ever considered the origins of sports drinks?
The University of Florida football team needed a drink to replace the fluids and electrolytes it lost during games and practices, so in 1965 a group of University Physicians at the university came up with Gatorade. Over time, this drink changed into the many-hued Gatorade we know and love today. Since then, Gatorade and similar sports drinks have flooded grocery and convenience stores.
The health benefits of today’s popular sports beverages and supplements are overstated. There might be as much as 38 grams of sugar in a 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade.
Purium’s Super Lytes, on the other hand, is an all-natural sports drink that boosts performance without sacrificing health.
So, what is it?
Super Lytes is the best electrolyte and rehydration supplement available because it contains nothing but natural components. It can be used as a substitute for artificial sports drinks and sodium pills.
The Benefits
- Useful in maintaining a healthy sodium and electrolyte balance.
- Contains excellent sodium from Himalayan sea salt.
- Magnesium and potassium have been added for balance, which helps with cramps and headaches.
The Ingredients Inside
Himalayan Pink Salt is rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making it a healthier alternative to regular table salt. This salt is useful for restoring electrolyte balance because of the sodium content. Naturopaths and other proponents of alternative medicine concur that it aids in staying hydrated, sleeping well, digesting food, and recovering quickly from intense activities.
The Organic Rooibos Extract is a great caffeine-free alternative to black and green tea because of the vitamin C and antioxidants it provides. Rooibos may aid in the reduction of blood pressure, the promotion of healthy skin and hair, and the enhancement of athletic performance by supporting the body’s response to free radical damage. Our South African extract comes straight from the source.
Use As Suggested
Every day, take three capsules. You can take all three capsules at once, or split them up during the day or any time you plan on engaging in prolonged, strenuous exercise.
Why We Make It
It is essential to replace fluids lost during strenuous exertion, whether you are an exceptional athlete or have a very active work. It was well established that most commercially available sports drinks are unhealthy because of their high sugar and artificial chemical content.
Super Lytes was created for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want to get the most out of their workouts and recover more quickly by using only the highest quality ingredients. Healthiness is more important than appearance when it comes to sports supplements.
What They Say About Us

Product Recommendations from Purium Co-Founder Dave Sandoval
To complement Super Lytes, Dave suggests:
- Super Amino 23: Improves Workout Results and Recovery
- Greens in the power shake assist the body become more alkaline, which is good for your energy levels and overall health.
- Apothe-Cherry: For facilitating quality sleep and waking up feeling refreshed
To learn more about how these products can improve your efficiency, visit this link right now!